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Writer's pictureLittle Ladies London

What makes parenting easier for you?

Updated: Jan 21

This is a question I was recently asked so Lets start by saying "perfection is not real" every baby is going to cry, wake at night, poop and be sick. We are human we are going to get tired, irritable and at times stressed. One of my favourite parenthood quotes is "We can't all look good at the same time. It's either me, the kids or the house" Never been a saying truer!

Real talk: No baby is the same, I learnt this the hard way; My first born looking back was a relatively easy baby, didn't overly fuss was quite happy to sit in the bouncer whilst i scoot off to put a wash on or quickly hoover round, I kinda thought... she has her moments but she is great!

Oh karma you work in wonderful ways! I decided that I would love for her to eventually have a sibling, 22 months later my second baby was born (Yes! I had Two under Two)

I guess most of you that are reading this are parents? because you have likely googled "what makes parenting easier" and you have landed here. So remember that moment when you first see your child and they take your breath away, that once in a lifetime feeling!? hold onto that image when your precious bundle has turned into a little red faced screaming machine... for that is what my angelic baby had become and it was exhausting, draining and brought me to the brink of postnatal depression.

I honestly believed up until she was 4 months that motherhood was all a piece of cake! then the crying started and she didn't stop until around 14 months. When I say crying I mean 11hrs out of a 12hr day! it was intense. I was that mum that kept calling the doctor because I honestly thought that something was wrong with her, the doctor eventually labelled the crying as colic. My second baby was totally different from my first and I was in abyss.

So here is what worked for me, I felt the only time she settled was when we was out of the house, naturally with two small children, I needed a double buggy and because I have stairs to enter my property I needed a buggy that was compact and lightweight. My choice of stroller was the mountain buggy nano duo which can be used from birth it is a great affordable stroller that collapses down to a nice compact size it comes with a strap that you can chuck over your shoulder.

Each day I went outside and found a love for green space that I had pretty much forgotten about.

Getting out of the house is a military operation in itself, when you wake up get yourself washed and dressed brush your teeth, already this will give you the incentive to start the day. Make your bed and clean those night bottles. Now your pretty much set for the day. I also have my day bag packed the night before for so it's just about topping up essentials such as nappies and a spare change of clothes. Having the tommee tippee prep machine also really helped minimise bottle making time. I have had both the new and old machine I preferred the old one.

Stairs is the next mountain to overcome (if you have them)

Buy yourself a backpack and a baby carrier! these will be your saving grace, strap that baby in get your backpack on! yes free hands! then you can lift your first born down too.

(I have no experience with more than two babies. Therefore no advice for three, but good luck!)

My one overthinking fear was getting out and down the stairs! I honestly used to feel overwhelming panic whilst sitting preparing my body and mind to go out. But once your out and the babies are content in the stroller it's a huge relief, breathe that fresh air get in some green space, clear your mind. Tell yourself how amazing you are; you have just accomplished a huge task.

Being in nature is what saved me from some of my darkest days, out of the house and walking was my haven, interacting with other adults even if was just a passing smile makes the day so much easier to manage.

The same way you got out the house is the same way you go in, backpack on, baby in carrier, first born on your hip, come back for the buggy once the children are in their safe space (meaning the cot) with any luck the fresh air will have worked some magic on your little ones and they will be ready to chill.

Sleep: Swaddle baby whilst playing amazon Alexa, there is an app called sleep sounds; The trance of thunderstorms hums my little ones to sleep and still does to this day.

finally my last bit of advice for you mum or dad is...make time for yourself!! even if it's once a bath with a bath bomb? youtube dance class? play an instrument whatever brings you to your zen zone!

So let's break it down!

Get washed and dressed

Go outside for a walk

Me Time

Parenting is hard, but so worth it when you see those cute little smiles! Keep Strong.

Links of products are above.

Love LL x

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